Union County Historical Society
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The Union County Historical Society of New Jersey was incorporated by an Act of the 93rd Legislature of the State of New Jersey on April 1, 1869. The objective of this Society is the collection and preservation of all matter of historical relics, books, records, documents, and manuscripts, to stimulate and encourage historical research and the study of history pertaining to the territory originally embraced by Elizabethtown and the present Union County.

The Society exists through the help and generosity of its members. Membership is comprised of citizens who have a common interest in preserving the past. There is no paid staff. The Executive Board and Members perform all Society functions.
Hanson House

Greetings Friends,

As the lazy days of summer roll out, the Society will take a short hiatus to plan and schedule events for the coming year.

We will reconvene to celebrate at the annual picnic to be held on Sunday, Sept. 8 th and share the news of exciting upcoming events.

We hope you will join with us then to meet with friends and colleagues and learn of our plans for the fall. See you then and have a safe and sun-filled summer.

Joanne Rajoppi

Our meetings are held at the Dr. Carl Hanson House, 38 Springfield Ave. in Cranford and begin at 2:00 pm unless otherwise noted.

William Frolich In Memoriam
Our longtime friend and Society Treasurer, Bill Frolich, sadly passed away on September 30th 2021. He was 101 years old, a 45-year member of UCHS, and the writer/editor of our Newsletter. Bill and his extraordinary knowledge of Union County history will be greatly missed.

In Memoriam

Former Presidents and Trustees of the Union County Historical Society -
Robert Fridlington 1930-2015 and Richard T. Koles 1927-2015.
We are saddened by the loss of these two friends, and will
always remember their great contributions to our Society and to local history.

Union County Historical Society
38 Springfield Avenue Cranford NJ